The P-16 Advocacy Council is made up of members from the community, business, education, and government sectors to evaluate WCSD data and the efficacy of new and ongoing projects relevant to educational outcomes from the pre-school through college levels. The Council monitors national trends and best practices and proposes initiatives for application in WCSD and Nevada. Its recommendations are advisory to the Education Alliance Board and its’ publicly disseminated products and external projects are subject to approval by the Board.
The purpose of the P-16 Advocacy Council is to advocate for a seamless education system that helps all students successfully achieve their career and life goals. Working together with the University of Nevada, Truckee Meadows Community College, and Washoe County School District, the Education Alliance produces the Data Profile, College/Career Ready brochures, white papers and other publications related to our mission of helping to create a college/career ready environment for our P-16 audience.
- College and Career Readiness/Competitiveness – Identification of K-12 pipelines for strengthening a competitive college and career culture within schools.
- Higher Education – Defining best practices/outcomes for higher education such as dual credit program expansion; general education review; admission standards; co-admission programs; and retention and completion.
- Data Profile – An annual collection and presentation of data about WCSD high school students and the continuation of those graduates into UNR and TMCC.
- Northern Nevada Teacher Workforce Assessment 2017 Full Report
We invite you to join in the conversation. 2022-23 Goals and Meeting Dates are pending the arrival of the new WCSD Superintendent, Dr. Susan Enfield.